Books Online In Blackness (Book 1) Download Free


Details Books During In Blackness (Book 1)

ISBN: 1614344388 (ISBN13: 9781614344384)
Edition Language: English URL
Books Online In Blackness (Book 1)  Download Free
In Blackness (Book 1) Paperback | Pages: 286 pages
Rating: 3.62 | 37 Users | 26 Reviews

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Title:In Blackness (Book 1)
Author:U.L. Harper
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 286 pages
Published:July 1st 2011 by (first published June 18th 2011)

Rendition Concering Books In Blackness (Book 1)

The truth of our bloody future will reveal itself…in blackness.

Lenny and Saline are merely kids when their parents move them in with, Busek, an old family friend they’ve never met. A few months later their parents are dead and they’re left alone to cope in the small town of San Pedro. It doesn’t help that Busek beats his son, Dustin, and doesn’t seem to care for them.

Flash forward almost a decade. Although the three kids are now young adults and good enough friends, they’ve each found their own way to deal with their situation.

Saline has hidden the fact for years that she’s Born Again Christian. Ironically, a group of Christians offers her a chance to visit her old hometown for a supposed religious gathering. But it’s not who is gathering there that sends her running for her life but rather what is gathering.

Suddenly feeling the same pull towards their old town as his sister, Lenny follows Saline. On his travels he discovers the truth about his urge to be there and why that might mean the end of him.

Back home, Dustin immerses himself in the intricacies of San Pedro. He and local anarchists are on the frontlines of an odd discovery, which on the outset seems like simple yet awkward workings of the city council. Instead they’ve stumbled upon an event that will change the world as we know it.

In Blackness is the predecessor to In Blackness: The Reinvention of Man, the second installment of three books chronicling the alien apocalypse.

Rating Out Of Books In Blackness (Book 1)
Ratings: 3.62 From 37 Users | 26 Reviews

Article Out Of Books In Blackness (Book 1)
Harper's style is solid and the read is great. I want to say the first 2-3 pages do not do the story justice, it takes off from there and we go off on a well told adventure. Centered around San Pedro, Ca. you can tell and feel the author's connection to the place.Found myself reading on to find out what happens next.You will too.A great read. Well defined characters.I'll add more, just wanted to get the word out.BUY this book.

In Blackness was truly disappointing for so many reasons. Up to page 200 this book present a decent if not somewhat average novel about two siblings struggling to live under the house of an old family friend how is often abusive to his son. Due to the fact that the main characters parents had died but oddly enough was you pass about two hundred pages into the book it goes from duly written book with a somewhat interesting cast, to an absurd Sci-Fi action/thriller which hits the plot and you like

I was honored today to get that all important email that said I won a free copy of this book! Can't wait to read it and recommend it! Yea Me!!!

Remarkable book! In his exciting book, In Blackness, U.L. Harper weaves a dark science fiction mystery tale that will have you second guessing every tree you walk by as well as keeping you out of the woods~ forever. Siblings, Lenny and Saline, learn that something evil and ancient has been concealed in the shadows of their nightmares for years. This something is real, it's returning and it throws them into an unpredictable alien hell. Dustin, their stepbrother, realizes things are changing when

The description of this book is so amazing, it gives you just enough information to make you interested in reading it without giving anything away, and I mean ANYTHING! I was totally shocked, I'm still shocked. No wait, make that freaked out, disturbed, and very possibly traumatized. I know that I will be having nightmares for at least a week.Now, I'm not going to give anything away because I want you to be as shocked as I was when you realize what's going on. Instead I'll tell you why I really

I thought the story and characters were very interesting. The beginning of story focused on the characters and their development while the last part of the story focussed on the events that were happening to and around them. I did find some sections of the story hard to read, I didn't think some of the sentences flowed but that was just me. Other than that it was an exciting story that kept me wanting to turn the pages to see what happened next.

I bought this book because it was recommended by good reads. i read the review about it, and it sounded like there was some promise. it was hard to get into because it was so SLOW, and hard to follow. later in the book, it started to pick up but i still couldnt get past the poor grammar or under imaginative use of words. i felt like i was reading a story written by a small child. i found myself reading MANY sentances multiple times to simply understand what was being said, and i felt the authors

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